Monday, September 05, 2005

best of the bestest

the low down

best dressed
murray barker (any shirt with ponies deserves an award)
aaron moodie (remarkable sensitivity to all things brown and corduroy)
genevieve griffiths (she had the whole universe on her dress)
michelle duftie (are there anything those hot pants can't do?)

best set
emma bishop, michelle duftie (always gets us moving)

best dance moves
anna gilby (somewhere between floating and dancing)
ross brewin (remarkable finger in the air style)
dane ash (purely for incorporating a rolling pin on the dance floor)

best post party story
a perthian (who will remain anon.) swaggered in to 'help' clean up yesterday stating proudly amongst fits (literally) of laughter that the reason there were paper towels on his lounge room window, was because he had decided to relieve himself, on a closed window from the inside of his house. much respect to someone who pees in the comfort of his own home; anywhere he likes.

best moment your most memorable moments...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whilst commenting to lucas and murray about how little of my nearly-finished bottle of smirnoff i had actually consumed, i proceeded to spill about half of the glass i was drinking from down my pants...

ben "i've only had this much" sheridan

12:47 am  

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