Tuesday, November 01, 2005

so hot right now...

the tranquilizers are playing this friday night
at gertrudes, gertrude st fitzroy.
supported by beautiful
my boy companion
you'd better go.


Blogger Chai said...

What sort of music? Sounds like ....

10:34 pm  
Blogger problematic said...


the tranquilizers-
stereolab and velvet underground.
beautiful organ and great drummer,
lots of thick chords from cass' burgandy mist (nickname of guitar)

my boy companion-
belle and sebastian, electrelane
girly choirgirl pop
hot chicks too.

11:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard a rumour that one of the tranquilizers is going to come out of the "closet" on stage on friday night. which one will it be?!!!

12:49 am  
Blogger problematic said...

joiawjdear anonymous,

didnt anyone tell you it was naughty to spread rumours?
especially on blogs?

i dont know who it might be anonymous.
it sure does depend what closet you might be talking about.
and if i guessed i wouldnt believe you.

12:52 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm talking about the closet that homosexuals hide in.

1:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are other kinds of closets?
(I wrote this then it was clarified ...phew)

1:04 am  
Blogger problematic said...

everyone has a proverbial closet dear anonymous, thats why i asked.

i dont care for such rumours, do people 'come out' on stage anyway?
is there a famous precedent for such occurances?

1:07 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there is only room for one Anonymous on this blog, are you listening to me Anon mkII ?

1:08 am  
Blogger problematic said...

reveal yourselves!
*whooshes her skirt in a magician style way in the hope that someone will appear, like in the movies*

1:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets play 20 questions to reveal my identity!

1:14 am  
Blogger problematic said...

give me twenty answers team anonymous.
have i met you?
are you goodlooking?
do you blog regularly?
did you confess on RYHM?
have we ever gotten intimate?
are you in melbourne?
why are you up so late?
do you dress well?
are you label conscious?
have you ever whispered in my ear?

maybe ten will do?

1:21 am  
Blogger problematic said...

*whispers in a slightly trembling voice*

i never thought blogs could be this fun.

1:24 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not yet
some might say so
whats an "ear"?

1:25 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous II

I care for (such) rumours!!

1:34 am  
Blogger problematic said...

ten more;

what are you listening to right now?
do you play an instrument- if so what?
did you bet on a horse today?
did you work today?
do you dance?
are you in love?
do you drive a vehicle or ride a bike (predominantly- dont say both)?
is your birthday soon or passed?
have i danced with you lately?
do you have a blog?

an ear is the second most precious sense of them all...

*greedily awaits reply*

1:35 am  
Blogger problematic said...

anonymous II are you going to play?

1:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

personally i like my homosexuals flaming, and i don't mean on fire......

1:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not playing...but 20 questions should be yes/no/sometimes/maybe
and why aren't you in bed

1:40 am  
Blogger problematic said...

i have my final thing for school due tomorrow, and im not even doing it, im doing someone else's school work.
i claim 20 questions naievity on the second point, anonymous #2 why are you so reluctant?

1:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

a c.d
i play with an instrument, but it doesn't make music.
no, but i did yesterday.
" " " " " .
only when the moon is full.
i hate blogs. what kind of loser reads blogs?

1:48 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

too weary to answer and ensure anominity ... seems like you almost have somethink cooking wit OG anon; don't wanna be 3rd wheel. Keep rollin'.

1:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm going to bed now see you at school tomorrow.

1:49 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why is everyone anonymous when larry emdur and the brand power lady are just waitin to have a good ol blog. and why do we have to verify the special magic letters at the bottom. are unwanted bloggers blind to the special script. if you are a blogger then who is a bloggee. i see times on this but no dates but many date holes. will someone anonymous answer my questions.

2:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your mums anonymous but i still fuck her.

11:02 pm  

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